Sonics annual picnic this Sunday

From Bert Bilton:

Good afternoon, Sonic Family! I pray that the school year has started off smoothly for everyone and that our kiddos are preparing themselves for a successful future! We will host our annual Sonics Picnic on Sunday, September 15, from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. The picnic will be held at George Bush Park (16756 Westheimer Pkwy Houston, TX 77082) at Pavilion #3; which is the large pavilion. The park is about one mile west of Highway 6 and Westheimer. We will have pizza, games, and a good time with one another. Please email me at to let me know how many will be in attendance from your family. We need a head count to make sure we can feed everyone! Please email me by Wednesday, September 11.

Several Sonics coaches have been designated to bring drinks (soda, juice, water, etc…), but feel free to bring your own if you have a particular preference. Also, a group of dedicated parents will plan to meet with everyone concerning fund-raising and a Christmas gala for the parents. They have been working very hard to help our track team grow…and we will need your assistance to make it happen! More information is forthcoming! I look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks!

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